416R stainless steel is renowned for its corrosion resistance, machinability and high tensile strength, it is the industry standard for Match Grade barrel manufacturing.Lantacs machining and production process delivers an ultra-precise barrel with tightened slide fit & lock up for improved accuracy.Our barrels are 6 groove, cut rifled, 1:10 Twist Right Hand, fully inspected, double honed (rough and finish) to produce a bore with a Max Roughness Average (RA) of 12.Chambers are Match Grade SAAMI specification, precision cut and polished to a maximum Roughness Average (RA) of 16.The pre hardened 416R stainless steel is stress relieved to a proprietary recipe after rifling and final hardness is 38-42 Rockwell C before final shaping and profiling work is done.Final dimension are held to a +/- 0.0002″ deviation for maximum consistency , accuracy and quality. Barrels are bead blasted to create a satin finish prior to plating and are available in 3 finish options. Stainless Steel, Satin Blast Finish with ultra-smooth hBN (Hexagonal Boron Nitride) Bore & ChamberGold TiN (Titanium Nitride) with ultra smooth hBN (Hexagonal Boron Nitride) Bore & ChamberBlack DLC (Diamond Like Carbon) with ultra smooth hBN (Hexagonal Boron Nitride) Bore & Chamber 9INE Barrels are a drop in fit and do not require gunsmithing for assembly. These are an ultra accurate and extremely tough upgrade to your existing Glock 17 or 19 barrel. Barrels are available with and without suppressor threads in 1/2-28 TPI RH. Threaded barrels come with shown thread protector. Barrels are fluted and feature LANTAC’s proprietary Patent Pending flute pattern.